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Year 4

Students in Year 4 regularly take part in a variety of English and Mathematics lessons that are targeted to their next steps of learning. Teachers work together to ensure that all students are offered engaging and appropriate work for their stage of learning. Clear learning intentions and success criteria are planned for each lesson and shared with the students to enable them to get the most out of each lesson.


We understand the importance of developing digital citizens who have the competencies to navigate the digital world. We integrate digital technologies into our classrooms in a variety of ways to support this. We will also be introducing multimodal ways of presenting research or published work, by teaching children how to use programs like google slides.  


Inquiry Units

Our Inquiry program gives all students in Year 4 a variety of opportunities to excel in all aspects of the school curriculum. Students will be rotating through different curriculum areas: Performing Arts (drama, dance and music), Geography and History (Australia and neighbouring countries) and Design and Technology (sustainability).


Some of the topics include:

Geography and History

In Year 4, students will continue to develop their geographic knowledge and map reading skills. Students will also be learning how to research using primary sources of evidence. Additionally, they will be learning to identify neighbouring countries and their natural and human characteristics (cities and population).


Performing Arts

Students will be learning about the different areas of the performing arts curriculum, this includes Drama, Dance and Music. They will be engaging in games and small group activities that allow them to practice drama elements and produce music. Students will rehearse and perform a piece as part of the school production.  


Design and Technology

For Design and Technology students will be using design processes to develop sustainable projects. They will start off the year by designing a sustainable chicken coop, considering necessary design features to maximise use of space and functionality. Students will partake in research, drafting and the development of a prototype to allow for rich discussions and feedback.


Digital Technology

In Digital Technology students use a coding program to create a variety of outcomes in a collection of games and small programmable robots.




Year 4 students participate in level sport each week. These sessions focus on specific skills and game play, enabling students to learn, understand and enjoy a range of sports activities. 



The Year 4 students will be flexing their culinary muscles by taking part in our Masterchef program. Students will be learning about safe food handling and hygiene as well as how to use kitchen equipment safely. The Masterchef program also allows for real life application of some of the literacy and numeracy skills learned in the classroom such as: reading recipes, using metric measurements of volume, temperature and weight.


Bike Education

In grade 4, students will be participating in theory and practical Bike Education sessions. Students will be learning how to safely ride on the road and how to improve their road riding skills. Some skills they will learn are coasting, how to complete a head check and how to signal that they are turning.   



Year 3 Camp is a 2 night, 3 day camp at the Briars Outdoor Education Camp in Mount Martha, at the end of Term 2. Students will have an amazing time developing their independence and resilience on many of the camp activities which may include archery, flying fox, giant swing, leap of faith and bush cooking. They may also take part in cooperative team building games and activities like billy carts, volleyball and the commando course.


We ask that all visitors to the school report to the office to sign in and present their Working With Children Card.

Contact Information:

Banyan Fields Primary School

90 Cadles Road, 

Carrum Downs.

Victoria, 3201

Phone: 03 9782 1333


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Facebook Page 

Office Hours: 

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:15am - 4pm

Wednesday: 8:15am - 3:30pm

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